苍月浏览器 Pale Moon 12.3 发布

知名火狐修改版浏览器——苍月浏览器Pale Moon今天正式发布12.3版本,该版本基于Firefox最新正式版,64位也同步更新,修复页面渲染、安全及稳定性问题。


  • Use-after-free while replacing/inserting a node in a document
  • Content Security Policy inline-script bypass
  • A few additional memory safety hazards and crashes that could theoretically be exploited


未经允许不得转载:浏览迷 » 苍月浏览器 Pale Moon 12.3 发布

评论 5

  1. #1
    Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

    Update to the issue: A recompile is needed because one component was not built that session restore depends on; this somehow slipped through the net and wasn’t caught while beta testing either. Recompile should take only 2.5-3 hours or so per version, meaning it will be up later today.

    极光隼12年前 (2012-07-17)回复
    • Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

      @极光隼: 多谢隼提醒,请大家自主选择是否下载安装!

      浏览迷12年前 (2012-07-17)回复
  2. #2
    Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

    fllow up.

    lee12年前 (2012-07-18)回复
  3. #3
    Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

    UPDATE 17:30 CEST: x86 is available, x64 will take more time to rebuild with the problem fixed – expected time of availability = 19:00
    UPDATE 18:45 CEST: everything is now updated to the correct version

    极光隼12年前 (2012-07-18)回复
  4. #4
    Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown


    银色之龙12年前 (2012-07-19)回复