Vivaldi 浏览器 6.7 正式版发布, 推荐各位浏览迷更新。

- [New][Settings] Memory Saver option (VB-97828)
- [New][Workspaces] Use selection to create a workspace (VB-104081)
- [New][macOS] Enable the Split View menu on window controls (VB-81255)
- [New][Feeds] Export feeds as OPML (VB-104770)
- Address bar
- [Address bar] Autocomplete resets when left clicking the proposed text (VB-105465)
- [Address bar] Don’t do dropdown searches until previous finishes (VB-104648)
- [Address bar] Don’t render outdated dropdown searches (VB-104893)
- [Address bar] Improve bookmark search (VB-104169)
- [Address bar] Improve drop down performance (VB-105358)
- [Address bar] Suggestions get stuck and activates even after quickly entering more text (VB-105061)
- [Address bar] The selected item isn’t cleared on undo (VB-105651)
- [Address bar] Triggers a search when URL starts with one space or more (VB-104070)
- [Address bar] URLs with an “@” character are treated as search terms (VB-102181)
- Bookmarks
- [Bookmarks] Tooltips missing for bookmarks in panel/window (VB-5201)
- [Bookmarks] When the nickname already was used, the alert about it don’t show (VB-103979)
- [Bookmarks] when importing bookmarks from a browser with folders included, each folder has a duplicate in its own folder, which is empty (VB-90560)
- Calendar
- [Calendar] Changing upcoming instances of task leaves duplicate (VB-105093)
- [Calendar] Display dead WebCAL (HTTP/404 or 410) subscriptions as broken (VB-104352)
- [Calendar] Empty href property leads to duplication (VB-104832)
- [Calendar] Event exception duplicates (VB-104869)
- [Calendar] Exceptions sent to server when they should not be (VB-105149)
- [Calendar] Marking a task complete displays a copy of the task for a second (VB-104182)
- [Calendar] Search results shows wrong date for tasks (VB-103418)
- [Calendar] Tries to create event on server when updating (VB-105511)
- [Calendar] Use mouse scroll to navigate previous/next period (VB-79382)
- [Calendar][Menus] Right click and add to calendar results in an error (VB-105208)
- Direct Match
- [Direct Match] Enable for more regions (VB-105489)
- [Direct Match] Remote files should be signed and their signature checked (VB-104678)
- [Direct Match][Settings] Make enable/disable syncable (VB-105725)
- macOS
- [macOS] Opening external link when Vivaldi is closed opens in new window behind regular window (VB-39284)
- [macOS] Opening external link when closed opens in new window behind regular window (VB-39284)
- [macOS] Use LZMA compression in .dmg packages for a smaller initial download (VB-105498)
- [macOS][Settings] Settings Window minimum size is smaller than can be seen (VB-104295)
- [macOS][Tabs] Window control buttons are misaligned with “Show Title Bar” enabled and tabs not on top (VB-105097)
- [macOS][Welcome] Handle Safari import from the Welcome page (VB-97003)
- [macOS][Workspaces] Link routing does not work correctly when there are no windows open (VB-100520)
- [Mail] Account server fields don’t display correctly (VB-104193)
- [Mail] Autolinking of web addresses in plain-text mode is broken by some link contents (VB-104970)
- [Mail] Change From/To/Cc inputs in search should always be visible and not hidden in dropdown (VB-104155)
- [Mail] Change Has attachment from dropdown to checkbox (VB-104047)
- [Mail] Change Subject to Header in search target selection (VB-104274)
- [Mail] Choosing Header while searching in contact breaks results (VB-104307)
- [Mail] Choosing different “Search in” folders should use view filters toggles of folder (VB-104218)
- [Mail] Clear search does nothing after manually opening search with no query (VB-104122)
- [Mail] Creating a filter from mail settings does not save end date (VB-105649)
- [Mail] Current folder always says “Selected” in “Search in” dropdown (VB-104128)
- [Mail] Delete MailSearchDB file before rebuilding Mail search db (VB-104451)
- [Mail] Emails from a certain site dated as 1/1/1970 (VB-80867)
- [Mail] Empty IMAP error messages (VB-103378)
- [Mail] Filter warning dialog doesn’t show up (VB-104721)
- [Mail] Going back in mail does not do what it should (VB-28843)
- [Mail] IMAP accounts that are made offline produce connection errors (VB-104135)
- [Mail] In the All Messages view, visibility which is turned on by search fails to reset after search is canceled (VB-104099)
- [Mail] Inbox and Sent for POP3 + Offline Account are hidden when “Show unsubscribed Mailboxes” is unchecked (VB-98120)
- [Mail] Lower logging levels for intermittent and noisy messages: further fixes (VB-102850)
- [Mail] Mails are not fetched for days (VB-99448)
- [Mail] Message about offline account is not correctly aligned (VB-105545)
- [Mail] Remember Search Show more state during session (VB-105182)
- [Mail] Remember sort state for mail folders (VB-28243)
- [Mail] Save attachment dialog appears behind mail search (VB-105516)
- [Mail] Search field width doesn’t adjust on layout change (VB-104857)
- [Mail] Searches wrong folder name when current folder setting on (VB-104987)
- [Mail] Searching in ‘From’ field clears the entire search UI (Closed) (VB-104132)
- [Mail] Show messages from sender and selecting contact in contacts panel: returns 0 results (VB-104276)
- [Mail] Subscribe to folder is behind mail tree and therefore unclickable (VB-68484)
- [Mail] Switching between folders does not sort (VB-105379)
- [Mail] Unify appearance of search inputs fields (VB-104289)
- [Mail] Verified but authentication fails on second account (VB-104211)
- [Mail] “Search in” folder selection is reset after modifying the searched term (VB-104106)
- [Mail][Calendar] Icons have different baseline alignment (VB-105333)
- [Mail][Settings] Deleted mail password could not be added again (VB-104723)
- Menus
- [Menus] Show Address Bar missing from View Menu (VB-67296)
- [Menus] View menu doesn’t change the show/hide status (VB-92504)
- [Menus] “Close Tabs to the Right” not always showing up (VB-105436)
- [Menus][Settings] Provide a way to switch between new and old menu styles (VB-105645)
- Panels
- [Panels] Exclude window titles from search (VB-104969)
- [Panels] Favicon doesn’t update when web panel is created (VB-104672)
- [Panels][Extensions] Better extension panel handling (VB-105142)
- Reader
- [Reader] <pre> element not rendering correctly in Reader Mode (VB-95292)
- [Reader] Doesn’t support Right-To-Left (VB-99954)
- [Reader] Huge Emoji in Reader View (VB-92065)
- [Reader] Resizes svg icons extremely (VB-99492)
- [Reader] Triggers on history navigation (VB-98990)
- Settings
- [Settings] Allow manual Site Permissions editing (VB-104176)
- [Settings] Delete selected cookie needs dedicated button (VB-9027)
- [Settings] Disable overridden keyboard focus settings
- [Settings] Extend cookie item to show partition key info (VB-104438)
- [Settings][Tabs] Unable to change number of Tabs in “Confirm Closing Tabs over Maximum of” setting (VB-104702)
- Tabs
- [Tabs] Allow closing tabs in pinned tab stack (VB-104559)
- [Tabs] Audio icon isn’t center aligned (VB-78982)
- [Tabs] Closing a tab by clicking on the “X” button in the Window side panel with “Activate with Single Click” activated, leads to a blank page (VB-98381)
- [Tabs] Contrast not enough to distinguish which tab is dimmed after hibernated (VB-82773)
- [Tabs] Margins around vertical tabs is not equal (VB-104778)
- [Tabs] Multi tab selection can fail due to web panels (VB-103853)
- [Tabs] Position of pinned tab moves when stacked (VB-104560)
- [Tabs] Reopen stacked tab in another workspace (VB-96474)
- [Tabs] Shift+Click on Home icon should Open Home Page in a New Tab (VB-96402)
- [Tabs] Thumbnails in vertical stacks are compacted (VB-88695)
- [Tabs] Thumbnails should have a minimum height when shown “left” or “right” (VB-77184)
- [Tabs] Tiled page find in page executed in other focused tiled tab (VB-78192)
- [Tabs] When the tab bar is on the left or right, the new tab button isn’t fixed (VB-17646)
- [Tabs][Settings] Reduce the frequency of updating tab thumbnails when all tab thumbnail-related features are disabled (VB-104608)
- Translate
- [Translate] Auto translate don’t translate selected content (VB-104386)
- [Translate] Button missing from address bar after page refresh (VB-104233)
- [Translate] Display the detected language in the Translate Panel (VB-103878)
- [Translate] and multiple <br> elements not all being translated (VB-77528)
- [Translate] Not working for at least one language (VB-84617)
- [Translate] Problems with translation if there is a <code> tag (VB-84149)
- [Translate] Translate *[title], img[alt], input[placeholder], and input[type=button][value] attributes (VB-104511)
- [Translate] about:blank shows in status bar when translating (VB-103656)
- [Translate] not able to translate from Chinese to English (VB-85545)
- Workspaces
- [Workspaces] Add option to have divider under workspaces button (VB-104735)
- [Workspaces] Allow using selection of tabs to create new workspace from workspace list (VB-104906)
- [Workspaces] Don’t swap when switching to blank page (VB-104637)
- [Workspaces] Inconsistent focus outline for Workspaces list (VB-104137)
- [Workspaces] Missing border next to Workspace button (VB-104761)
- [Workspaces] Selection to create a workspace is not offered if no workspaces have been created before (VB-104904)
- [Workspaces] Switch using the mouse wheel (VB-105494)
- [Workspaces][Tabs] Title alignment with vertical tabs (VB-104896)
- Crash
- [Crash] On corporate machines: further fix (VB-103871)
- [Crash][Panels][Extensions] “Closing” web panel with extensions (VB-103614)
- Other
- [Blocker] Invalid blocked notifications (VB-105472)
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 124.0.6367.90[Commands] Introduce command for “add page to webpanel” (VB-104190)
- [Commands] Placeholders for command chains only work from menus (VB-105201)
- [Cookies][Settings] The allow third-party cookies per site override is not working (VB-104959)
- [Downloads] Over plain HTTP fails to open save as dialog (VB-103844)
- [Downloads][Themes] Save download could be clearer (VB-104793)
- [Extensions][Panels] api call is ignored (VB-105176)
- [Extensions][Panels] Close and remove side panel properly after uninstall (VB-104762)
- [Feeds] Map Github and Reddit URLs to known feed URLs to allow for enhanced auto-discovery (VB-105357)
- [Feeds] The user should be prompted when deleting a feed (VB-87440)
- [Guest] Guest profile is referred as “Guest session” by exit button in profile manager dialog (VB-103993)
- [Guest] Window toolbars should not be customizable (VB-89158)
- [History] No space between text and dropdown in history delete dialog (VB-104062)
- [Language] Correct Kurdish locale language code (VB-81478)
- [Linux][Media] Allow a short startup delay to fixup media on major updates (VB-104319)
- [Linux][Media] Monitor a location for a new libffmpeg and inform the user to restart if one appears (VB-103899)
- [Linux][Settings] The fonts listed by default are incorrect, the alphabetically first font is listed (VB-100283)
- [Localization] Wrong date formats in various places (VB-55297)
- [Notes] Copying note includes title and creation date + time (VB-104656)
- [Notes] Sort by Last Modified timestamp for notes (VB-92788)
- [Password Manager] Add Export Passwords to Export menu (VB-105171)
- [Privacy] Disabled more privacy sandbox items (made sure first party sets are disabled)
- [Private Window] [Update Notifier] Warn that Private Windows are reset in Restart Required prompt (VB-105066)
- [Quick Commands] Open Bookmarks in New Tab setting (VB-103919)
- [Quick commands] Wrong autocomplete when not exactly matching command (VB-103596)
- [Search] Escaping problem with POST (VB-99320)
- [Sessions][Workspaces] When updating sessions names appear to be editable but they are not (VB-104635)
- [Tasks] Gap between task box and title disappears when the task is selected (VB-104800)
- [Tasks] Without start time added to the next time slot (VB-104236)
- [Themes] No error handling when failing to import or install a theme (VB-104968)
- [Themes] ‘Accent from page’ setting overrides background blur in vertical tab bar (VB-101022)
- [Toolbars] Buttons covered by Status Bar border (VB-104606)
- [Toolbars] Status info overlay should not depend on status bar (VB-104287)
- [UI][Settings] Updates to various translations
- [Web Compatibility] Disabled clickable element (VB-104434)
- [Welcome Page] Border-radius applied incorrectly (VB-105606)
- [Window management] Window minimum size is smaller than can be seen (VB-104294)
系统错了 win11