64位 Waterfox 水狐浏览器48.0发布

水狐浏览器团队近日给大家带来64位 Waterfox 水狐浏览器的 48.0 正式版。

正如浏览迷之前的介绍一样,64位系统下的64位应用毫无疑问会带来更好的性能,Mozilla的Firefox虽然版本更新极快,但64位版本却 始终步履蹒跚,而且它非常早期和不稳定,对于64位系统的朋友们来说用什么来提升浏览器性能呢,答案是Waterfox,这应该是目前最稳定的 Windows 64位版本的Firefox修改版,它改进了大内存和64位计算的细节,让Firefox在64位下速度更快,运行更顺畅。


  • NEW:
  • Switched to Clang for Windows compilation. Things look much more promising than previous reports and stability seems good. Please report any issues and I’ll file bugzilla reports as this will help out Mozilla as well This is a promising step to using a completely free/open-source build environment!
  • Reverted Registry Entries to be the same location as Mozilla’s so 3rd party programs like Roboform can work again (might need to re-install Roboform or Waterfox again for example)
  • Another attempt to fix unsigned extensions from not running. So hopefully they will now!
  • Disabled EME (doesn’t work on 3rd party builds anyway)
  • Disabled Web Runtime (deprecated as of 2015)
  • Removed Pocket completely
  • Removed all telemetry/data collection being sent back to Mozilla
  • Disabled the 64-Bit NPAPI white-list so that the user can decide what plugins they can run (doesn’t make sense for Mozilla to do this as most of their user base probably aren’t technically proficient), but it’s something Waterfox users are capable of handling.
  • I’ve also allowed unsigned extensions to run as well as there are still some old extensions people like to use (it’s disabled by Mozilla for the same reason as above)
  • Windows XP 64-Bit support
  • Updated ICU to 57.1 (current Mozilla base is on 56.1)
  • Removal of Sponsored Tiles on New Tab Page
  • Compiled with Clang
  • N.B.:
  • When using a profile shared by Firefox, sponsored tile and snippet URLs may overwrite default Waterfox settings, enabling them again
  • Automatic updates will be delayed by 24 hours to make sure there aren’t any pressing issues before seeding to everyone.



中文语言包安装方法请参考浏览迷之前的一篇文章 : http://liulanmi.com/dl/972.html


未经允许不得转载:浏览迷 » 64位 Waterfox 水狐浏览器48.0发布

评论 8

  1. #1
    Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown


    1anthony59年前 (2016-08-12)回复
  2. #2
    Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown


    知易行难乎9年前 (2016-08-12)回复
  3. #3
    Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown


    知易行难乎9年前 (2016-08-12)回复
  4. #4
    Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown


    阿番哒9年前 (2016-08-12)回复
  5. #5
    Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown


    无可奉告9年前 (2016-08-13)回复
  6. #6
    Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown


    洋葱骑士9年前 (2016-08-19)回复
  7. #7
    Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

    最新中文语言包https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/chinese-simplified-zh-cn-la/ 语言包教程就本页的

    浏览迷忠实用户9年前 (2016-08-20)回复
  8. #8
    Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown


    ya9年前 (2016-09-28)回复